Building positive creations.. from dreams to reels

There is no other great way than Cinemas to express a positive vibe to the world. At Royal Tiger Productions, we strive to make a difference with human connections & emotions showcased via our movies with the most cutting-edge technology.

Royal Tigers

We are a creative team of like-minded people with one goal, making movies that bring a positive vibe to the world. Join us on our way to glory!

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From challenges to duels, testing out mods, reviewing shots or screenplays with other teams - you name it, we make the dream happen. 

silhouette of 3 people watching show on TV
silhouette of 3 people watching show on TV

In love

All of the best stories begin in the basement, and Team meetings is one of those. 

art text on wall
art text on wall

Only the SKY have seen the WORLD Transform.

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